Mohammed Bazerbashi
We’ve been with Jane for more than 3 years, my son loves her lessons and he is improving in every lesson. Every lesson makes a difference
for him. Jane is a professional piano tutor.
Catherine Campbell
Jane has been teaching my son
the piano for over a year. He always enjoys his lessons with her and I'm so pleased with how much he has learned. Jane is always patient with him and I really like how she tailors lessons to suit him
and follows his interests.
Mr L
A note to say how much I have
appreciated your lessons over almost 10 years. When I started I don't believe i expected to have continued for so long which I owe to your encouragement.
You always seem to challenge me
and technically I feel I have really developed my ability to play and vastly extended my knowledge of music. I gained so much out of these lessons over the years and at my age that was so important
to keep my brain active.
My understanding of classical
music has grown so much and the pleasure I now get from playing I attribute to you.
I would always recommend
Jane is excellent with my two
children and has helped the achieve their grades. She's extremely patient, disciplined, and most importantly makes it fun for them!
My 7 year old daughter is currently learning the piano with Jane, Jane
clearly has a special touch as my daughter happpily skips to the lesson and is beaming when she comes out afterwards! Jane is clearly inspiring a love for piano and music in my little one-thanks you
so much!
Our child has developed their piano skills in leaps and bounds in the past
year-thank ypu so much for your teaching!